
Objective: To determine the frequency of cerumen and some clinical and epidemiological features of cerumen cases in Bo¤azl›yan area.

Methods: 8203 people attending to Ear Nose and Throat outpatient clinic, and underwent otoscopic examination between May 2012 and May 2013 were included in the study. The existence of cerumen impaction and affected side were recorded and analysed according to age and gender. Additionally, foreign bodies were also recorded.

Results: Cerumen was detected in 1123 patients (13.7%). The frequency of cerumen was 10.2% among patients younger than 18 years old, 13.0% between 18-65 years old and 23.2% among patients older than 65 years old. There was positive correlation between the frequency of cerumen and age. The cerumens were unilateral in 573 patients (51%) and bilateral in 550 patients (49%). Of unilateral cerumens 52.9% were in the right ear and 47.1% in the left ear. However there was no statistically significant difference between two ears. The frequency of foreign body in the external auditory canal was detected as 0.9%.

Conclusions: The frequency of cerumen has been detected as 13.7% in Bo¤azl›yan area among the patients attended to Ear Nose and Throat outpatient clinics of State Hospital. The frequency of cerumen increases with increased age.

Keywords: Cerumen, frequency, Turkey

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How to cite

Yüksel A. The frequency of cerumen in Bogazl›yan Area. Turk J Fam Pract. 2014;18(1):2-4. https://doi.org/10.2399/tahd.14.52971