
Most cases of vitamin D intoxication is due to incorrect use of prescribed vitamin D preparations or usage without prescription. Generally, at the younger age group, fontanelle closure, ensuring the teeth development and deformities related to leg curvature are the main reasons for intoxication due to high doses of vitamin D prescription. In our case high dose vitamin D was given due to shortage of length, pointing out all age groups are at risk for the misuse of vitamin D. A female patient was admitted to our clinic for the development delay. She claimed that she had used a cumulative 14.4 million units of vitamin D3 for 1 year. Physical examination was normal. Blood calcium: 9.9 mg / dL, and 25-hydroxy vitamin D: 318 ngr / mL (10 to 60 ngr / mL), spot urine Ca / creatinine ratio was 1.15 (N: <0.2). Bilateral renal calices stones were found on renal ultrasonography (USG). The patient’s current findings show that patients with chronic vitamin D intoxication might also be asymptomatic.

Keywords: Adolescent, vitamin D, intoxication

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Uytun S, Ertural U, Baş VN, Torun YA. Asymptomatic chronic intoxication due to long term high dose usage of vitamin D in case of an adolescent. Turk J Fam Pract. 2014;18(4):204-206. https://doi.org/10.15511/tahd.14.04204