
The years of the foundation of the Turkish Republic is a time when the State, which had recently come out of many wars, had to cope with various health problems and infectious diseases. During that period, fighting against tuberculosis, malaria, syphilis, trachoma, varicella and rabies, the most common infectious diseases of the time, was the most important agenda item then for the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare showed great success in prevention and treatment of these diseases also in the subsequent years. The health works carried out successfully during the time of establishment of the Republic, despite insufficient opportunities, set an example for the subsequent periods.

Keywords: Republican era, contagious disease, fight against infection

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How to cite

Özkaya H. Fight against contagious diseases during the period of the republic. Turk J Fam Pract. 2016;20(2):77-84. https://doi.org/10.15511/tahd.16.21677