
Home health care services are among the most primitive health services offered to the individual in historical development. Home health care service: According to the definition of the World Health Organization is activities of care which is provided for individual who needs care by the relatives such as his/her family, friends or neighbours, volunteers and assistants such as professional health care providers, nurses. Especially applications that started with the completion of birth activity at home continued by expanding with the necessity of continuing the care of elderly, disabled, mentally ill people and terminal period patients at home. The treatment approach of the mentally ill people, which started at the central mental hospitals, is adopted in different cultural constructions as continuation of treatment at the place where they live outside treatment place traditional. Also in the Ottoman state, people of mental illness were held in Haseki Suleymaniye and Sultanahmet Hospital until the beginning of 19th century. Sharia Court Records also involved in keeping the mental patients under observation and ensuring the safety of their relatives if they stayed with them, they made various decisions on this issue. In this study, Records of Istanbul Sharia Court are scanned and the document, which is registered on 29/2/4 with the date 21st December 1766, is evaluated as important in terms of creating a starting date for “Home Care” in the Ottoman state.

Keywords: Sharia court records, home care, mental illness

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How to cite

Demirsoy N. An example of Istanbul sharia court records (Ser’iyye Sicilleri) a start date for Home Care: A document date 1766. Turk J Fam Pract. 2017;21(2):66-73. https://doi.org/10.15511/tahd.17.00266