
The main aim of up-to-date health care is to advise people about preventive health care services and to help them avoid health risks as well. Preventive health care services are the basis of primary health care. Their aim is to help healthy people avoid risky behaviours, to reduce risks if there are any, to provide early diagnosis and treatment and to prevent permanent damages of chronic diseases. These basic targets can be achieved through periodic health examinations (PHE) implemented according to various national and international guidelines. Family physicians have a unique position to help for improving their patients’ health. Family physicians provide preventive, curative, supportive, rehabilitative and palliative care. PHE is an important component of primary care in the context of health promotion and prevention. However, question of to screen or not to screen and choose the most appropriate screening method can be challenging for family physicians.

Keywords: Family medicine, periodic health examination, preventive care

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How to cite

Ersoy E, Saatçı E. Periodic health examinations: An overview. Turk J Fam Pract. 2017;21(2):82-89. https://doi.org/10.15511/tahd.17.00282