Objective: This study aimed to assess vitamin D levels among overweight and obese children and to investigate its relationship with Body Mass Index (BMI).
Methods: Serum 25(OH)D data of 6-18 years old children admitted to Trabzon Ortahisar Kalkınma Family Healthcare Center between December 2015-December 2016 and diagnosed as overweight or obese and referred to Karadeniz Technical University Medical Faculty Department of Family Medicine were obtained from medical records. Patients classified as overweight or obese according to World Health Organization growth reference for 5-19 years old children. Vitamin D deficiency defined as serum 25(OH) D level ≤20 ng/ml, insufficiency as 21-29 ng/ml, and normal vitamin D level as ≥30 ng/ml. Seasonal 25(OH)D levels evaluated. Participants divided into two groups of age 6-12 and age 13-18. 25(OH)D levels compared in both groups. Vitamin D levels and BMI relation investigated in overweight and obese children.
Results: A total of 77 patients (30 male and 47 female) mean age was 13,4±2,9 years. 13% of the participants were overweight and 87% were obese. Vitamin D insufficiency was 10,4% and vitamin D deficiency was 89,6%. Seasonal 25(OH)D levels showed statistically significant difference (p=0,007). 25(OH)D levels were not varied through the age groups (p=0,365). Vitamin D levels and BMI were not related.
Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are highly prevalent in overweight and obese children. Starting a public healthcare program would be useful to achieve sufficient vitamin D levels in these children.
Keywords: Vitamin D, children, overweight, obesity, body mass index
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