
Objective: Hypertension (HT) is the second most commonly diagnosed disease in Turkey and a global health problem. This study aimed to develop a scale to be used in HT prevention by investigating attitudes that might prevent HT in individuals who have a family member with HT.

Materials and Methods: In this methodological study “Attitudes Scale towards Prevention of HT(ASPH)” was developed. For the scale validity and reliability analyzes were performed: For content validity expert views were received, for construct validity [principle component analysis (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin(KMO), Bartlett test, eigenvalues-explained variance, scree plot), exploratory factor analysis(EFA), confirmatory factor analysis(CFA)]; for internal consistency [Cronbach’s alpha(α), Guttman lambda(λ)]; test-retest were performed. The survey namely the “Thoughts about Hypertension Prevention” including pilot test was created by researchers and after ethical approval administered to 77 participants (1.6.2018-1.6.2019) in a Family Health Center in Keçiören. Survey including the scale was administered to 316 participants for DFA and 62 participants for test-retest. Data was analyzed with IBM SPSS 22.0 and Lisrel 8.8.

Results: The final ASPH was consisted of 26 items and 5 factors. KMO (0.679), explained variance (50.152%), Bartlett result(p<0.001) scale is suitable for factor analysis. Eigenvalue of five factors (1.693-7.127), scree plot chart becomes horizontal in the 5th factor. Five factors were confirmed with EFA. After excluding 6 items (t value p>0.01) from scale, in CFA, standardized factor loading values (0.37-0.86), goodness-of-fit values [Chi-square (χ2)=805.66, p=0.000, RMSEA=0.076, SRMR=0.063, CFI=0.95, GFI=0.84, AGFI=0.80, NFI=0.94)]; structure of the scale well-fitting to the data was confirmed. Scale’s general validity Cronbach α value (0.910), λ value (0.875-0.929); scale is reliable at a high level. Item total correlation (0.33-0.66); items are acceptably distinctive, test-retest correlation coefficients [0.834/0.909(p<0.001, 95% confidence interval)]; scale is stable.

Conclusion: ASPH is a valid, reliable tool to be used in HT prevention, will be used for increasing HT awareness, shed light on similar studies for other chronic diseases.

Keywords: Hypertension, prevention, risk factors, reliability, validity, scale development

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How to cite

Albayrak Z, Şengezer T. Attitudes towards the Prevention of Hypertension Development in Individuals who have a Family Member with Hypertension: A Scale Development Study. Turk J Fam Pract. 2022;26(2):53-65. https://doi.org/10.54308/tahd.2022.52296