
Objective: Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a severe hereditary neuromuscular disease. As of December 2021, premarital SMA carrier screening program has begun in our country. The aim of this study is to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and behaviors about premarital SMA carrier screening.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with volunteers of both genders who applied to Family Medicine Outpatient Clinic of a tertiary hospital between June and September 2022, to have the necessary examinations for the marriage report. The sociodemographic and medical characteristics of the participants, their attitudes towards SMA disease and carrier screening, and their knowledge levels were questioned using the Data Collection Form prepared by us. The scores obtained from the answers given to the questions measuring the level of knowledge about the SMA were converted into a 100-point scoring system and the total score was obtained. Significance was evaluated at the p< 0.05 level.

Results: This study was conducted with 154 people, whose average age was 28.16±5.54 (min: 18-max: 54) and 54.5% (n=84) of whom were male. 6.8% (n=72) were university graduates. 87% (n=134) wanted to be screened for SMA carriage. The knowledge level of the participants about SMA was low in 31.2% (n=48) and high in 24.7% (n=38). The SMA knowledge of women was significantly higher than men (p=0.038). Those who had received information about SMA before had a higher level of SMA knowledge than those who did not. (p=0.012). Of those who stated that they had received information before, 55.2% (n=32) received information from social media, 36.2% (n=21) from doctor/health professionals.

Conclusion: The majority of participants had a medium-high level of knowledge about SMA and wanted to undergo carrier screening. However, the knowledge of 31.2% was at a low level. The fact that the knowledge of those who receive information about SMA is higher indicates that the knowledge level of health professionals about SMA should be increased, especially in primary care where screening is performed.

Keywords: Attitude, Behavior, Knowledge, Screening, Spinal Muscular Atrophy

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Şahin M, Tunç Karaman S, Basat O. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Pre-Married People About SMA Carrier Screening. Turk J Fam Pract. 2024;28(1):11-17. https://doi.org/10.54308/tahd.2024.82474