Volume 13 Issue 2 (2009)

Published: 15 June 2009

Research Articles

National pharmacovigilance system and the role of family physicians
Idiopathic nephrotic syndrom of the childhood and its treatment
Attitudes towards the use of Pap smear among family medicine specialists and residents in Turkey
Trauma in primary care and it’s importance in medical education
Prevelance of hepatitis C virus infection and possible risk factors in Sulusaray, Nevşehir

Review Articles

A practical approach to haemorrhoidal diseases in primary care
Patient satisfaction and the management system: physician as a partner in solution

Letters to the Editor

19. yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Amerikan misyoner faaliyetleri
Vasco da Gama Hareketi Değişim ve Hippokrates programları: Avrupa deneyimleri


4. Kartal Aile Hekimliği Günleri
Çemişgezek – Nürnberg hattında bir doktor


Kayseri American Hospital activity in early 1900’s