Volume 16 Issue 2 (2012)

Published: 15 June 2012

Research Articles

Turkish Journal of Family Practice: at the beginning of a new era 2
Relationship between depression and anxiety levels and attitudes of coping with disease in cancer patients
Evaluation of blood lead, cadmium, chromium and total antioxidant levels of car park workers
QUALICOPC: a multi-country study evaluating quality, costs and equity in primary care

Review Articles

Common skin diseases of the elderly
Effects of amalgam fillings on human tissues

Case Report

D-hypervitaminosis: a case report


11. Ulusal Aile Hekimliği Kongresi
Leonardo Euract Aile Hekimliği Eğitici Eğitimi Kursu ve deneyimlerim
Yenidoğan yoğun bakım ünitesinin yeni bir üyesi: Aile hekimliği uzmanı


Management of a adolescent and obese patient who visits Ondokuz May›s family practice smoking quitance polyclinic