Volume 19 Issue 2 (2015)

Published: 15 June 2015


Health seeking behavior

Research Articles

Family medicine approach to the patients with chronic low back pain: How effective is it?
Frequency of tetanus vaccination in pregnant women attending to the child birth preparation classes and influencing factors
Management of the patients with varicose veins: At which extend do family physicians involve in it?
Relation of emotional intelligence and emphaty among medical students in Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University
Health care seeking behaviors for sick children: time span for seeking health care

Letters to the Editor

Fagerström Test on nicotine dependence
Novel parameters in determining the risk of coronary artery disease

Case Reports

Smoking associated a rare case: Black tongue formation
Judicial aspects of death certification: an exhumation autopsy case.
Pyogenic liver abscess caused by Bacteroides fragilis in a type 2 diabetes patient presenting with fever of unknown origin


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