Death statistics are one of the most important indicators in determining the quality of health services in countries, planning future health services, and evaluating and reorganizing the quality of health services. The fact that death-related data is complete, understandable and accurate is very important in terms of knowing the causes of death, monitoring infectious diseases, creating health policies, determining the causes of deaths, etc. It is also of vital importance in terms of the sustainability of preventive and curative health services.
The fact that deaths are recorded in different and separate systems by different institutions has caused inconsistency and incomplete information. Due to these differences, a single system that is easy to integrate, fast and dynamic, where the systems of different institutions can easily work with each other, is easy to integrate, and can be used quickly, healthily and completely in order to collect information about deaths has emerged. In order to meet this need, an electronic registration system has been created by Turkish Statistical Institute and the Ministry of Health to record information about deaths. This system is called the “Death Notification System ” and was put into service as of 2013.
Death certification procedures; It is carried out by the provincial health directorate with a monthly duty list including municipality physicians, integrated district state hospital (E2, E3)/district health directorate/community health center physicians and family physicians. The death certificate must include information such as the duration of the causes of death, date of death, place of death, maternal death, infant death, autopsy information, and manner of death.
Keywords: Death, Death certificate, Death notification system
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Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.
How to cite
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